Jeff Mohr

Jeff Mohr


PayPal Mafia (c206) Updated 2 months ago

Hawaii Board Relationships Updated 3 months ago

Civic Canopy 2014 Symposium Updated 3 months ago

The Symposium is designed to convene a diverse network of leaders in Colorado to build on a common understanding of a collective approach to impacting shared results and launch an ongoing learning community committed to collaborative approaches to community change.

Sample loop Updated 8 months ago

Carbon Emissions Updated 8 months ago

IRA Analysis Calcs Updated 11 months ago

Are you happy? Updated 1 year ago

Life's too short not to be.

IRA Analysis Updated 1 year ago

PayPal Mafia Updated 1 year ago

Beyond100k 70 percent Updated 1 year ago

Social Network Analysis Updated over 1 year ago

California Ballot 2022 Updated over 1 year ago

Racism in America by ChatGPT Updated over 1 year ago

Map the System 2023 Webinar Updated over 1 year ago

Interlocks of the World's Billionaires Updated over 1 year ago

Highlighting the connections of the world's richest people based on the boards of company, government and other bodies they sit on.

Disqus Testing Updated over 1 year ago

Hiring Collusion in Silicon Valley Updated over 1 year ago

Mapping the relationships at the heart of the New York Times article "Engineers Allege Hiring Collusion in Silicon Valley."

Startup Paradise Updated over 1 year ago

CA Ballot 2016 Updated over 1 year ago

Civic Canopy Demo Updated almost 2 years ago

Testing comp field again Updated almost 2 years ago

testing computed fields Updated almost 2 years ago

ATLAS Organization Updated almost 2 years ago

DST Innovation Lab Example Updated almost 2 years ago

Stock and flow diagrams Updated almost 2 years ago

Celebrity Ice Bucket Challenge Updated almost 2 years ago

Austin Demo Updated 2 years ago

Austin Demo

Testing import matching Updated over 2 years ago

Early Childhood Updated over 2 years ago

Stakeholder Mapping Updated almost 3 years ago

MDW stakeholder mapping Updated almost 3 years ago

Systems Mapping Updated almost 4 years ago

Classic SNA Datasets Updated 4 years ago

A collection of classic SNA datasets.

The Truth About Education Updated 4 years ago

How the education system works, according to "The Smartest Kids in the World" by Amanda Ripley

Testing template Updated over 4 years ago

Help Updated over 4 years ago

Hawaii Lobbyist Data Updated over 4 years ago

SDG Toolkit Updated over 4 years ago

Chord diagram Updated over 4 years ago

Overview of the Euro Crisis Updated over 4 years ago

A re-make of the popular "It's All Connected: Overview of the Euro Crisis" by the New York Times.

Sample for Eric Updated almost 5 years ago

DST Innovation Lab 2014 Updated almost 5 years ago

Gates Foundation Partners Updated almost 5 years ago

Scatter Plot Updated almost 5 years ago

Another Sandbox Updated almost 5 years ago

Global Remittances Updated almost 6 years ago

My first project with comments Updated almost 6 years ago

Weavr Prototype Updated over 6 years ago

CIHR Testing Updated over 6 years ago

Custom Updated over 6 years ago

Quokka Updated over 6 years ago

We envision a society that cultivates and supports the mental well-being of young people.

Early Childhood (5eb5) Updated over 6 years ago

My version Updated over 6 years ago

Homelessness Example Updated over 6 years ago

My sample system map (CC) Updated almost 7 years ago

Civic Network Demo Updated almost 7 years ago

S and C Duplicate Updated almost 7 years ago

SNA Descriptions Updated almost 7 years ago

Kumunity Updated 7 years ago

Cheetahs and Antelopes Updated 7 years ago

Cheetahs and Antelopes (371d) Updated 7 years ago

World's Largest Companies Updated over 7 years ago

NOLA Influencers Updated over 7 years ago

Sample Systems Map Take 2 Updated almost 8 years ago

Testing JSON Metrics Updated almost 8 years ago

Visualizing the interlocks of the world's billionaires Updated 8 years ago

Highlighting the connections of the world's richest people based on the boards of company, government and other bodies they sit on.

US States Updated over 8 years ago

Controls Updated over 8 years ago

Dummy project for testing Updated over 8 years ago

REL-ecosystem-2 Updated over 8 years ago

updated mapping of the new/emerging economic ecosystem by Real Economy Lab

Size and scale fun Updated over 8 years ago

Penn Campus Demo Updated over 8 years ago

Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) Updated over 8 years ago

Shrimp Boy Trial Updated over 8 years ago

Myanmar Updated over 8 years ago

MHA LLC Updated over 8 years ago

2016 Presidential Candidates Updated over 8 years ago

Amazon Product Network Updated over 8 years ago

BALLE Network Updated 9 years ago

Sample CLD Updated over 9 years ago

Famous Acquisitions Updated over 9 years ago

Dummy Project - Civic Canopy Updated over 9 years ago

Troubleshooting Updated 10 years ago

A project meant only for testing and troubleshooting.

PayPal Mafia Test Updated 10 years ago

Intro Series Updated 10 years ago

The Next Generation Updated over 10 years ago

A systems look at what's driving our inability to make large improvements to education & health outcomes for the world's kids.

Presentations by jeff

Sample published Oct 10, 2018

The Celebrity Ice Bucket Challenge published Aug 3, 2017

The Kumunity published Jul 26, 2017

Testing list widget published Jun 23, 2017

The Madison Initiative published Jun 16, 2017

Hewlett foundation published May 26, 2017

Testing again for focus published Mar 10, 2017

Testing Stock and Flow Presentation published Jan 4, 2017

PayPal Mafia published Mar 10, 2016

"Shrimp Boy" Chow published Mar 10, 2016

Sample Social Network Analysis: DST Innovation Lab published Jun 8, 2015

Unintended consequences in the Pacific Ocean published Apr 10, 2015

Weighted SNA Metrics published Feb 21, 2015

The PayPal Mafia published Jan 31, 2015